
There are reasons most people give for why they workout. They are all goals and the good news is that if you exercise consistently and with the right programming, all of those can be accomplished. The bad news is that while they are great goals to have, for most they will not keep you going when things get difficult.

  • To Get Fit
  • To Lose Weight
  • To Get Stronger
  • To Be Beach Season Ready
  • To Look Better

A goal is a wish, something you want to accomplish, but if you fail you simply move on.

If you fail to reach a goal, excuses take its place – “I am too old.” “I don’t have the time.” “It is too hard.” “My (insert loved one here) always wants to order out.”

Failed goals lead to excuses that take blame out of our hands and place into those of some unforeseen reason.

Your why pushes past all barriers regardless of what assumptions we make in our own heads.
Your why is much deeper than a goal.
Your why gets you up at 5am to train.
Your why makes you reach for broccoli rather than a cookie.
Your why forces you to become an upgraded version of yourself.

Your why finishes that athletic event with your family and friends that you never thought was possible.

And most importantly, your why affects every aspect of your life – how you think, act, talk, train, and much more.

What is your “Why?”

Maybe you never gave it any thought. Your why is deeply rooted and covered by the ‘goals’ you wish to achieve. Your why is your purpose, your cause, your belief. Knowing your why turns every failure into a lesson that brings you one step closer to success.

If uncovering it presents a challenge, try asking yourself these questions:

  • What excites me? Losing 20-30 pounds is great, but seldom as exciting as finishing a half marathon, not passing out during that hike in Columbia, or the empowering experience of lifting a weight you once believed immovable.
  • Can I define it? Whys are specific. If your goal is to lose 20+ pounds, what does that mean to you? How would that make you feel? The answer to THAT is what you truly desire.
  • How do I want to measure my life? If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything – the latest workout, the latest diet, or the latest piece of workout equipment (people actually bought shake weights). Discovering your why will keep you focused, determined, and more likely to succeed. Adding to that, defining your why will allow you to tackle challenges that you never even considered previously.
  • Who am I doing this for? If you are trying to lose over 20 pounds to impress the girl at the café, good luck. Unless you are utterly head over heels, the likelihood of that being a powerful motivator is slim. However, if you want to drop that weight to be around your family longer, now that’s powerful.

For some, losing 20, 30, or more pounds means they will be able to play with their children, be around for grandchildren, or be able to get off those medications. The exact pounds pale in comparison to the feeling gained from the loss.

Every single person on the planet knows what they do. Some know how they do it…Very few people know why.
-Simon Sinke

If you’ve got your WHYs set – then all that’s left is to GET TO WORK! Contact us today to get where you want to be!

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